Benefits of Self-Publishing a Comic Book

Benefits of Self-Publishing a Comic Book

October 9, 2021

If you are just starting the creative process or have all but finished your comic book creation, you may be considering whether to self-publish your work. In the past, self-publishing carried a negative stigma; however, that outdated outlook is changing. In 2016, self-pushed works garnered  $1.25 billion in sales, and that number has continued to grow.

This profitability proves that self-published book printing is a viable way for comic creators to get their work out to fans, retain creative control, and receive royalties for their creative efforts. Discover the top six benefits of self-publishing a comic book that will convince you that self-publishing is the way to go.

Creative Control 

One of the best parts of self-publishing is the creative control you retain over your comic. Traditional publishing requires you to meet the expectations of your agent, the publishing company, the editors, and even the potential audience.

These requirements force you to change aspects of your work and take away your creative voice. When you self-publish, you decide about every aspect of your projects, such as illustrations, storyline, and book size.

Quicker Timeline

In traditional publishing, you can expect to wait around  15 months or more to see your work in print. This wait leaves you feeling anxious and detracts from your creative process. In self-publishing, the timeline moves at the same speed as you do. Once you upload your project to your chosen publisher, your printed copies only take about two weeks to arrive.

Better Payout

Indie creators receive much higher royalty payouts than those who pursue traditional publishing. When creating a comic with a publishing house, you may  give up 95% of your royalty income to cover the cost of marketing and printing. Selling to readers through self-publishing is direct and offers you a better return on your creative endeavor.

Marketing Freedom

Rather than feel forced into marketing your comic book according to publishing house requirements, you can self-publish and market your book how you’d like. Many indie authors use social media to drive interest in their comics, and you can invest in a few marketing materials like a  custom vinyl banner or colorful flyers that you can hand out to market your comic at book fairs and industry conventions.

Genuine Fans

One of the greatest benefits of self-publishing is the genuine fan base you will create. Because the comic book you put out is under your creative control, and because you choose how to market your work, you can reach a niche audience who truly appreciates your style and storytelling.

Traditional publishing can create a big hype, but they may target readers who ultimately aren’t invested in your work. When you self-publish, you work directly with your fans, so you know that those who buy your comic, follow you on social media, and visit your author events are genuine fans.

Man writing a Comic Book

Self-Publish With Comix Well Spring

Self-publishing your comic book or graphic novel is a great choice. It allows you to retain creative control, engage a genuine fan base, and receive high royalties on your work. It is important to self-publish your work with a reliable printing company that specializes in comic books to achieve a professional, vibrant final product.

Choose Comix Well Spring for your comic book printing needs. Follow our simple online ordering process to self-publish your work and browse our blog for helpful publishing and creative tips.

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