

How to Create a Horror Comic Book

How to Create a Horror Comic Book

August 4, 2021

Throughout the last 60 years, horror comics like Swamp Thing, The Vault of Horror, and Hellboy, have scared readers and inspired countless films and prose novels. Fans of horror comic books love th … read more
Make Your Own Comic Book For Workplace Training

Make Your Own Comic Book For Workplace Training

Posted by Rhea Campbell on August 2, 2021

When most people think of comic books, they think of superheroes and kids, not adult-centered training manuals for the workplace. Despite the unlikely pairing of these two ideas, it has become clea … read more
How to Make Your Own Comic Strip

How to Make Your Own Comic Strip

June 1, 2021

If you are a comic book fan, writer, or illustrator looking to show off your talent in a new format, creating your own comic strip is a great medium to experiment with. The short and highly visual … read more

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